It’s so important that a pregnant woman and her family are educated prenatally about the importance of breastfeeding. There is so much evidence that is available regarding the wonderful benefits of giving a newborn and infant breast milk. The WHO (World Health Organization) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby’s life because it is the best food for a baby. Breast milk contains all the nutrients, calories and fluids that a baby need to grow. It’s recommended that pregnant women take a breastfeeding class, find supportive friends and family and have access to evidence based information about breastfeeding. Here is some of the evidence:
v A breastfed baby’s health is dramatically affected in the most positive ways.
Baby’s that are breastfed are protected from childhood obesity, diabetes, ear infections, asthma, eczema, digestive problems, SIDS, and some forms of cancer when compared with baby’s that are fed with artificial milk. In addition, children that were breastfed have higher IQ’s and perform better on cognitive testing in school.
v The health benefits for the breastfeeding mother are enormous.
Women who breastfeed their baby are more likely to return to their pre-pregnancy weight faster. They experience less postpartum bleeding and decreased risk of hemorrhage. Breast and Ovarian Cancer risk is lower as is the risk of Osteoporosis. During breastfeeding the hormone Oxytocin is released and helps with the bonding and attachment process with the baby.
v Once you get the hang of it breastfeeding is faster and easier and requires less time and effort.
Breastfeeding is a learned skill. It takes time and practice. Breast milk is ready to go. It’s at the right temperature and there are no bottles to mess around with and no storage to worry about. It’s important that the baby is observed for hunger cues and signs that it’s time for a feeding and then to offer a feeding. It’s also essential that the partner and family of the breastfeeding woman are educated about breastfeeding and the time and energy required in the beginning as breastfeeding and milk supply is established.
v The good stuff in breast milk cannot be replicated.
There are wonderful immunities in breast milk. The first milk the baby receives is colostrum (‘liquid gold’) and is the best food for the baby in the first hours and days after birth. Breast milk also changes over time (even the day) to meet the nutritional needs of the baby. The milk is easily digested and provides everything that the baby needs to grow healthy and strong.
v Breastfeeding saves money.
By breastfeeding a family can save over $1,200 a year in not purchasing artificial milk. When a baby is healthier there will be less time missed from work and less sick days used. The environment is also saved from harmful packaging that is discarded.
v Only you can do it.
A mother’s breast milk is specific to the needs of her baby. The physical contact a mother has with the baby while breastfeeding helps promote that special bond between a mother and a child. Breastfeeding is truly the gift that lasts a lifetime.
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